Hines Health Living Community Garden
Hines Healthy Living Community Garden is an approved Hines Innovation Program to empower and support the health and well-being of Veterans and Employees. They formed a community of interested people to create a garden that will include growing nutritious food, education, and engagement in meaningful experiences through gardening and more.
The community garden will be composed of 20 plots, each 10’ long x 4’ wide with 3’ between plots. Plots will be assigned by Service/Group. There will be 10 Veteran plots and 10 Employee plots and a Communal plot.
Hines VA Speech Pathologists have planted a garden as part of the Hines Grows with You initiative. They harvested lettuce and lots of herbs and hope to plant a ton of vegetables to share amongst staff and veterans in the spring/summer!
Great job to the Hines VAMC Speech Pathology Service!